Chiropractic care for children

Children require specialised, age appropriate approaches. Are you ready to provide superb chiropractic care for the 18.8% of the Australian population who are kids?

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Why reading aloud to children is so important to their development

It’s a well-known fact that reading aloud to children is good for them as it fosters early literacy skills and helps with cognitive development.

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Why we need to encourage outdoor play for children

As chiropractors, we can inspire parents to actively slow down the manic speed of everyday life and encourage them to enjoy outdoor play with kids.

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Nocturnal Enuresis: how chiropractic treatment for bedwetting can help

Being a chiropractor will invariably involve caring for kids who wet the bed at night.

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How to tackle the busy-ness of modern day life!

There is nothing wrong with ‘Busy’ as such. It just means we have full lives; that we choose to participate and go all in.  However, it seems that lately being insanely busy has become almost a prerequisite to fit in to our Western lifestyle.

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How to advise parents on when their kids should start school

It is getting to that time of year when the primary schools here in NSW invite their prospective Kindergarten students for special visits to ‘Big School’.

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Why we as chiropractors need to focus on research

To be relevant in our communities’ health, we as chiropractors need to demonstrate that we positively impacts lives. Only way to do this is through research.

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Early screening for learning difficulties

Health professionals’ ability to diagnose learning problems, ASD and ADHD have improved significantly over the recent years and this helps the child receive the support she/he requires.

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Keeping it ‘BRIEF’

I am sure you are aware of the information overload we suffer in the Western World. We know that to get our message across to people we need to be succinct and to the point. However, it is my experience that we as chiropractors tend to forget this very important knowledge when we get into our practices.

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Fun ways for parents and babies to enjoy more tummy time

There is no denying tummy time is important. Our challenge as chiropractors is to empower parents to embrace this essential neurodevelopmental activity from the moment their little one is born and stick with it!

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