This is an invaluable resource taking you step-by-step through a life-changing program to help your child succeed in all areas of life. The book is based on Dorte Bladt’s own experiences and research when trying to help her learning-challenged daughter. It explains in an easy-to-read fashion how the brain functions and learns, which brain-stimulating exercises are most beneficial and how to look for and integrate the Moro primitive reflex and startle primitive relfex. It also covers how to support brain function through nutrition, how to connect and communicate with your child to build resilience and confidence, and lastly, how to empower your child to excel through specific learning tips and tools.
This book is targeted at parents and is a valuable resource for chiropractors to inspire and motivate parents to become active participants in improving their children’s health, attention and learning.
The SOK book is an awesome resource for your practice. Both inspirational and empowering, it provides parents with practical information and advice on the ever-challenging home care, helping kids succeed and thrive in today’s world.
Dr Robert Melillo, MS,MNeuroSci, DC, PhD (C), DABCN,FACFN,FABCDD
Dr. Dorte Bladt has published an amazing book. Switched-on Kids is a very helpful guide for parents wanting to learn more about the brain-body connection. This friendly, common sense approach provides practical recommendations for any family to use. Dr. Bladt’s book helps us to be more mindful of just how beautiful our children are.
Claudia Anrig, D.C. Co-Editor, Pediatric Chiropractic textbook
If supporting your child’s brain development while improving their health is a priority for you than I highly recommend Switched-on Kids. This is a must-read guide for parents and practitioners alike. Thank you Dorte for such a powerful resource.
Dr Jennifer Barham-Floreani, bestselling author of Well Adjusted Babies 2nd Edition
As a busy Paediatric Chiropractor, I really love this book. This book is a fantastic asset to my practice. Easy for parents to read, motivational and fun, yet up to date with the latest research in paediatric neurology, this book empowers parents to help guide their children to a better brain. Patients have commented that reading Switched-on Kids has helped to improve their confidence in their own parenting, and that it has provided them with skills and ideas that their kids really love.
Dr. Katelyn Jacka, Chiropractor
Dorte Bladt’s book Switched-on Kids is a must have for all teachers, parents, and health professionals that work with children! This beautiful book is easy to read and is an excellent reference guide that provides key points to help children live to their fullest potential.
Monika Buerger, BA, DC, Founder, Intersect4Life, Idaho, USA
I love this book. It’s fantastic! Switched-on Kids is a practical guide to helping kids be the best they can be. As a teacher it can be an awful feeling when you’ve exhausted every avenue of support and a child is still having trouble learning. It is comforting to be able to refer parents to Dorte’s Switched-on Kids program and see the benefits as a result.
The book is a must-read for every teacher as it combines theory about how our brain learns with providing practical exercises we can implement ourselves. I use the brain stimulating exercises each morning with my class. The kids love “switching on our brains” and I know it’s helping their concentration as well as building nerve pathways.
Switched-on Kids provides a wealth of knowledge in layman’s terms about how our brains function and we can help children achieve their full potential.
Jess Bell, Primary School Teacher
Our two sons have been under Dorte’s care at her practice for a few months now and have experienced some great changes in their behaviour and their schoolwork. Having Dorte’s book at home now makes it really easy to both further those changes through the exercises and increase our knowledge around other ways we can help them; diet, family communication, schoolwork, screen time… it’s all there in a really easy to use format. Every family with young children should have a copy of Dorte’s book.
Charlie and Noah’s Mum