April 2, 2020


by: Dorte Bladt


Categories: Blog

Silver lining:

Chiropractic training online

As the world descends into stronger and stranger measures of isolation and distancing, one must wonder what the long-term implications of the Corona virus will be?  We are bombarded with projections of an unprecedented economic downturn, skyrocketing depression and mental health issues, huge increases in domestic violence and record numbers of relationship breakdowns, not to mention the hourly tally of virus deaths from around the world. It is difficult not to get caught up in the spiralling fear and despair, a state which is more infectious than any disease, and utterly debilitating.

Stop, pause and reflect

The only way I know to stop myself from sliding down the collective tumble of misery is to stop, pause and reflect.

I have spent many hours reflecting on what positives may come out of this situation for the world as well as what I can do personally to make a positive impact.  It does seem as if the current situation has been a wonderful break for the environment with decreased pollution of air and water.

Families have more time to spend together, dusting off old board games and cooking family feasts from scratch.  Friends find novel ways of connecting with each other and prioritise checking in with each other more regularly.  Individuals have more time to think, feel and be bored, facilitating creativity and personal growth.  And more so, recognising that we are all in this together, that we need one another, and mutually benefit from being empathetic and compassionate towards each other.

With that in mind, it has come to my attention that many of our recently graduated colleagues are not exactly thriving under Corona.  Many have lost their jobs or are concerned they will soon.  Most have seen their recently established practices collapse.  Not many new graduates care for enough people to pay their rent or feed themselves.  Few are able to hone their newly acquired skills or even learn from their more experienced colleagues due to the crowd limitation. These young chiropractors are the future of our wonderful profession and they are in desperate need of our compassion and support to start enjoying their new profession.

What can be done?

What can be done?  Well, observations and practice gatherings are obviously out…

I have reached out to a group of chiros to start some chiropractic training online, among other things conversations/demonstrations/training sessions, for new graduates to help them learn skills and tools for practice and personal development as well as current coping skills.  I have also spoken with a recent graduate who will connect with his network, offering this support. This will also provide the possibility of free CPD for those who need that. This is not a marketing exercise, but a genuine offer of help.

If you are passionately burning for a particular topic that you think would be of benefit to young chiros, please reply to this email and we will get back to you shortly about how you can help.

If you are a young chiro and feel some sessions of chiropractic training online could be of benefit to you, please reply with a short introduction: name, when you graduated, where you practice and who you have worked with.  We will get back to you with the particulars.

Let’s work together to create more positive vibes in our lives.